

Lead Engineer


The UK Home Office

I am a Lead Engineer in Shared Application Services (SAS) in Home Office; I design and implement cloud native solutions. I work closely with program management, security, quality assurance and engineering team to deliver value for money state of the art applications for Police and Public Protection Technology (PPPT).

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Architecture and design

Problem solving and code reviews

Leadership and mentoring

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I have worked on multiple interesting projects like an address standardisation machine learning application, snagging tool for the world tallest building (SnagTRAK), arts and design web solution for kindergartens, but the one I enjoyed the most was cloud based portal for Renewables electricity register (RER). I take pride in participating in all phases of development from discovery to private beta.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I always enjoyed creative subjects like arts and crafts but I really thrived in more academic subjects like science and maths. Computer science seemed like a perfect mix of both where, I can use my logical mindset to solve problems and my creativity to think out of the box.

My educational background is...

I am a Computer Science graduate with majors in Software engineering and Artificial intelligence. I love learning and up skilling myself through courses, conferences and tech meet ups; the ever changing technological landscape keeps me on my toes.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Don’t let anybody tell you that tech isn’t for you. It is one of the most diverse, innovative and well paid space.

Job type tags:

Analysis Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions

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