Vivian Knight
Technical Analyst / Mainframe Developer
I’m with my first client on a 2 year contract for Co-operative Bank as a mainframe developer. I currently work with the Production Support team, fixing incidents that arise with the overnight batch bank transactions. I raise data edits to programs on the mainframe (in COBOL), work on new development programs, aid investigations into incidents, do RFI (request for information) audits and more.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Problem solving
Programming (COBOL)
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
When I was a digital intern at GE Aviation in Component Repair Wales, I worked on a software tool that used a greedy algorithm written in Java. This tool generated a digital list on a screen that scheduled the priority of which parts to be repaired by the shop floor operators first in their respective shops. It updated every 2 hours, so if the priority changes, the list would reflect this. This software tool replaced a paper system in which shop floor managers used to print a list each morning.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I have always loved technology as far as I can remember! My love for PC video games when I was younger sparked my interest in computers and software development. ICT / Computer science were always the subjects I looked forward to most at school, and when I realized the power of programming, I was hooked. I grew aware that technology had the potential for big impact - improve research capabilities, conduct calculations our brains can barely fathom, make our lives more comfortable and more exciting. I knew I had to get involved, and that a career in tech would be so exciting.
My educational background is...
I am a First Class BSc Computer Science graduate. During my studies I completed a placement year with GE Aviation as a Digital Intern. Before university, I took higher level computer science as a subject in my International Baccalaureate diploma.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
I’ve always believed that we need to inspire young girls to see a career in path as the exciting and impactful career it can be, not the daunting and “difficult” career it sometimes seems like. Girls are often intimidated away from pursuing a career in tech out of fear they won’t fit in, typically due to damaging tech-stereotypes. So my advice is to ignore any negative comments, push past any gender bias (and report it if experienced!), and dive into a career in tech! If you have a particular passion, follow that route and chase it. If you would like to try different career paths in tech to see what suits you best, there is no time lost and you can always change your mind later on.
Job type tags:
Analysis Business and strategy Creative and design Data and information Development Problem-solving and developing solutions Testing and QA