Tiffany Rooney Patterson


Business Engagement Officer


Bury Council

I am the first point of contact for Bury businesses who require support. I also keep our brand's (Bury Means Business) website up to date, manage our four social media accounts, organise business events and I'm currently managing a business engagement project, working with BAME business owners.

I am...
Hard working
The skills I use most in my job...


Project Management



Time Management

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I managed a customer satisfaction project from start to finish. This involved working with stakeholders on questions, survey design, timing and frequency, creating a software interface, analysing responses, training telephone operators and addressing concerns raised by customers, amongst other things, to deliver a customer satisfaction survey which was completed with hundreds of customers every month.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I have always been impressed by how technology can help us to be more efficient, communicate, share information more effectively and create jobs and wealth. I realised early on that people who have good digital skills stand a better chance of future proofing their career, and as such I have sought to increase my digital knowledge whenever the opportunity arises.

My educational background is...

I left school at 16 and started working in an administrative job, where I completed an NVQ in Business Administration. in my twenties I completed a degree in business management whilst working full time. Since then I have gained a PRINCE2 Project Management qualification, and I'm currently undertaking an apprenticeship in Team Leading.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Work on your resilience (as things don't always go how you expect them to) and take every opportunity you can to learn new digital skills, as it will never be a bad investment of your time. The jobs of the future will rely heavily on digital skills and by going into the field you will set yourself up for a long and happy career.

Job type tags:

Analysis Creative and design Data and information

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If she can see it, she can be it

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