Trainee Solicitor
I am a trainee solicitor in the implementation team at Summize, a legal technology company. I work closely with our customers, legal teams, to provide innovative and tech-driven solutions.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Creative thinking
Process mapping
Persuasion / Delivering a vision
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I previously worked with all customers from an external perspective and had a series of calls and emails to understand their workflows and processes. When I was offered a secondment at Zilch I relocated and spent 3 months in their offices which was eye-opening.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I fell into the tech sector by happy accident. After only having experienced very traditional law firms the jump to a legal tech company immediately opened my eyes to a brand-new young, innovative and exciting forward-thinking culture. I loved it!
My educational background is...
I completed a law degree, followed by an LPC and Master of Laws. From there, I started working and then began the SQE.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Working in tech doesn't have to mean sitting on your own with 3 monitors and endless lines of code! There are so many amazing careers to choose from for people of all different strengths and experiences.
Job type tags:
Business and strategy Problem-solving and developing solutions