Sadie Towey
Executive Assistant
My role is to be the first point of contact with the Managing director of Naimuri, ensuring that his time is utilised efficently and allow him to be productive to support the business in the right way. I get to work along side a wide range of departments and companies, helping manage customers expectations and ensuring visits to the business run in a timely manner. I enjoy being able to expand my knowledge in the tech world by speaking to many of my talented colleagues.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Organisation. I need to be able to manage multiple diaries and schedules at once to make the days run smoothly.
Communication. Create and manage good relationships across the business and with customers.
Creative. I am responsible for arranging work events such as parties and I need to be able to think outside the box to make things engaging and fun.
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
When I first started at Naimuri I was thrown into the deep end to help organise a opening event for a new part of the business showcasing our abilities in the Data intelligence. I had to sort the guest lists and runnings of the day whilst not knowing who everyone was yet, it was challenging but a fun experience and gave me a good insight into the tech world from the people I got to speak too.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I loved the Buzz, there is just so much to learn and so many paths it can lead you down. I love seeing how people can bring their creative minds together and create such innovative systems that can be used in a multitude of ways. People in the tech industry are so passionate and willing to support each other.
My educational background is...
I originally went to Oldham six form collage and studied arts, physics and Mathamatics with he intention of going off to university to study architecture. My career path took a different turn and I found myself working as a PA for a design studio and found that I loved the organisational side of the job and how no two days were ever the same. Since then I have worked as an executive for Private medical before finding myself in the tech world!
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Go for it! its such a evolving industry and there is so many different roles you can take on, you can be at the full front of the creative tech side or like me take a more administrative role whilst still getting to see the systems come alive!
Job type tags:
Business and strategy Data and information People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions