Ruth Mills
IT Consultant / Senior Software Engineer
Work at Naimuri is all about using data to help make the UK a safer place. We are a consultancy and work with a number of different clients involved in this type of work. It's very interesting, challenging, and rewarding.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
AWS (Amazon Web Services) - AWS is one of our most widely-used cloud providers, although there are others
TypeScript - we prefer TypeScript over vanilla JavaScript because of the extra type checking, which helps avoid bugs
React - this is our preferred front-end framework
Java - quite a few projects use Java, and it's the language I've had the most experience of in my career so far
Neo4J - this is a graph database that is amazing for modelling relationships between entities
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
Fairly early on in my career, I worked on the control software for a machine that recycled plastic metro tickets - where every step had to be coordinated in real time. I loved the technical challenge of making this incredible contraption work!
What inspired me into digital and tech...
It was quite by chance. I sent my CV to a local software company and was offered a job the same day (after having previously interviewed for a lab tech role at a local shampoo factory and being rejected because I didn't drive).
My educational background is...
I went to a comprehensive school on the Wirral, and got a place at St John's College, Oxford, to study Chemistry. In my 4th year, I did research into Computational Fluid Dynamics. and learned how to program in C.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
I would say go for it! I've found tech to be a fantastic career choice. Tech skills are in demand, and tech jobs pay well. It's also a job where you are always learning - things never stand still!
Job type tags:
Analysis Cybersecurity Data and information Development Problem-solving and developing solutions Testing and QA