Rita Arafa
Senior Business Analyst
Aire Logic
I act as the bridge between the people who use IT systems and the developers and coders that produce them. My job is to understand what people want and need from their systems and then to translate that into something that can be developed by the techies.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Good communication skills
Attention to detail
Get on well with people
Good at analysing details
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I worked on an NHS system during the height of the Covid Epidemic that allowed vulnerable people who had tested positive to to be monitored closely at home and then got them into hospital early enough to give them a better chance of surviving.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
A family member suggested that I would be good at it (Business Analysis) because I got on well with people.
My educational background is...
I left school at 16, then did some GCSEs at collage and then went to University to study Information Systems as a mature student after I was married and had two school age children.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
There are many different digital and tech roles, not all of them requiring highly technical people. There is something for everyone in digital and tech so don't straight away think its not for you.
Job type tags:
Analysis Creative and design Data and information People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions