Rhian Cox
UX Director
My role is to oversee our UX offering at Uplift, managing a team of Strategists / Researchers, UX Designers, and Developers to increase conversion rate and web performance for our clients. My background is in UX design, creating intuitive and accessible digital experiences through user-centred design.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
UX Design
Communication and Storytelling
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
Ah there have been so many that I've loved... I think people would expect me to say the 'glossy' brands but probably the most interesting was working on a website for a housing association, it might sound dull but the user research was fascinating and I really enjoyed the challenge.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I loved being able to pair creative design with psychology and empathy. I'd never heard of UX, but it married areas I was truly passionate about and I was smitten straight away. I was fascinated by how many career options there were and that there is always something to learn.
My educational background is...
I studied a BTEC in Multimedia in college which covered Photography, Film, and Graphic Design. In my second year I specialised in Graphic Design and went on to study Graphic Communication in University. Both courses gave me a solid foundation in understanding the fundamentals of design - Such as typography and colour theory. Not only that, but they forced me out of my comfort zone and I gained confidence by meeting new people and regularly having to present my work.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Make connections, work hard, and be nice! People often underestimate the power of being a good person. Ask lots of questions, be genuinely interested and curious about other people and the world around you. Finally, work on being resilient - Feedback and criticism are important parts of your learning.
Job type tags:
Business and strategy Creative and design Data and information Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions