Rebecca Feeney
New Car Brand Director
Auto Trader
I work closely with our retailer sales division and our largest retailers to ensure they understand our new car product and are maximising the opportunities we can provide them. I utilise data and insight to assist retailers on their digital journey ensuring I am delivering ROI and a world class service. My role also involves: improving relationships, increasing ROI, presenting strategy and report, communicating new ways and solutions to retailers, assisting retailers with business improvements.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Simplification of data
Collaborating with teams across the business
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I really enjoy working with our sales team and our manufacturer team and seeing the full end to end journey with an OEM and a retail network and working with them to get the most from our platform.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I began working in a very non digital environment and found the industry was challenging as it was very 'offline' and old school. When I was approached to work at the largest online website provider for an automotive supplier, I thought it would be a great opportunity to understand how the digital side would improve the offline side.
My educational background is...
I worked at Mercedes Benz of Maidstone as a receptionist, and a then became a sales administrator for Jeep. I haven't been to university but I have worked in Automotive, then I went into digital within Automotive. I spent 5 years at a large website provider and I have now been with Auto Trader for 5 years.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
I don't feel that the tech industry is as male orientated as it used to be (it's still male dominated for sure!) and working alongside some of the fantastic women as I do, has given me the opportunity to grow confidence at pushing myself and other women further forward in the tech space. It's constantly evolving, always challenging and gives a new meaning to 'fast paced'. If you want to move forward and be challenged and feel every day like you've achieved more than you thought possible - I would recommend digital and tech!
Job type tags:
Analysis Business and strategy Data and information People / team management