Rachel Bailey


Business Analyst



As a Business Analyst, i don't solely focus on software development or defining requirements, but they do play a large part of the role. I help to define improvements to business processes which could be IT related, assist decision-makers in gathering information to make decisions, i designs user interfaces and sometimes step in as a product owner as needed. I write user stories and acceptance criteria and take the development team through the stories for a common understanding.

I am...
Team player
Hard working
The skills I use most in my job...

Critical thinking

Process modelling

Stakeholder management

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

One of the most exciting projects i have had the pleasure of working on was a payment system for ITV, which was called TalentPay. The system was extremely complex with various differing requirements all of which resulted in developing the system in various slices.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I've always had an interest in computers, ever since i was at school. I've always wanted to know how they worked and how information was sent to the screen. This led to a varied career path, until 5 years ago when i became a Business Analyst.

My educational background is...

At high school i studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology amongst others. I then attended college a gained a HNC in Interactive Media which fuelled my desire even more. I then did an Open University course for BSC Computing and IT. But for being a BA, i completed BCS Requirements Engineering and BSC Business Analysis Foundation course

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

My advice would be to not give up on your dream. Dont be disheartened if you dont get the grades because there's always courses and other training providers who can help. If you have a real passion for IT then go for it!

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Data and information

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