Paige Robinson


Junior Graphic Designer


Brother UK

I'm a junior graphic designer based in the marketing department at Brother UK. I work with other designers within the studio team to product artwork digitally for campaigns, the Brother website and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...



Time management

Attention to detail


The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

A campaign called 'Designed for Business'. I managed to get a lot of involvement on the design work for this, allowing me to design the brochure, adverts, web and social media banners, magazine artwork, emails, and more.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

Everything in the digital world is moving so quickly, so I am always learning new things every day.

My educational background is...

I've always been a creative and had an interest in art and design, at GCSE, I began studying graphic design and found a love for digital art and typography, and I knew that this was what I wanted to go in to. I went on to college to study Graphic Design, Art, Psychology and English but I left shortly after my AS exams to focus solely on my Graphic Design path. From here, I went on to study a HND in Graphic Design. This is where I learnt most of my digital software skills in programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. After completing my HND, I decided to go in to further education and started studying my degree in Graphic Design at the University of Salford, which I loved. Shortly after graduating, I was lucky enough to land my first design job at Brother UK.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

The main piece of advice I would give someone is to keep up to date with everything digital. The digital industry is one of the fastest growing job markets for young professionals to enter, it can be easy to fall behind. Try networking with other digital professionals, no matter how strong your digital skill set might be, it always helps to get out and network with other people. This way, you’ll be likely to make friends and contacts in the industry and turn yourself into a potential candidate for any new up-coming positions.

Job type tags:

Creative and design

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