Olivia Mary Flint


Account Manager


Auto Trader

My role is based around assisting car retailers with their business plans and helping them achieve their goals by recommending products and packages which will help them with their strategy. I will get to my recommendations by using different sources of data and looking at their market. I am also responsible for retaining retailers custom and also growing the revenue that they bring in to Auto Trader by building relationships with the customers and challenging their mindset.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Communication skills


Being able to challenge mindsets


Reading and presenting data

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I am lucky enough to be able to have interesting conversations with my customers daily and my day is different every day but my work can go beyond that. The most interesting thing I have worked on would be the session that I ran with my team which went into detail on Imposter Syndrome. I researched the phenomenon and read several books to help my team understand it and how they can overcome it as it is something which is particularly prevalent in women in successful positions.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

At the time of applying to be in the industry I didn't know exactly what I wanted but I knew I wanted to work in an environment which was fast-paced and where you are constantly learning. Digital and tech is an ever growing sector with so many opportunities arising and ones that you can create for yourself if you are determined to do so. It is the now and the future.

My educational background is...

I went to school and achieved an array of GCSE's where I particularly enjoyed Biology and English Literature and I then went to sixth form where I studied Psychology, Citizenship, Sociology and Drama. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do after that so I didn't attend university and instead had a couple of entry level jobs in fast paced, customer facing roles and personally this was a good move for me as it led me to Auto Trader years down the line.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Do it! This industry is massive and is ever growing. The industry needs more girls, ladies, women to share their ideas. My advice would be to believe in yourself even when it feels impossible to. You will more than likely be your biggest obstacle throughout your career but continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone; continue learning every day and challenge when you feel like something needs to change.

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Data and information Problem-solving and developing solutions

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