Niomie Haynes
Commercial Manager
North West Cyber Resilience Centre
I manage all the commercial elements of the NWCRC to ensure we can continue supporting North West businesses in becoming cyber resilient. I work closely with policing, business networks, members, and partners. I am passionate about cyber and how it impacts business, and I'm keen to make a difference.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Cyber Security
Client Liason
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
After a career in fraud, I moved into cyber; this itself is the most interesting thing I have done. Working in a small business that is a collaboration between policing and the private sector has been super interesting, challenging and exciting.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
Working in fraud was interesting for me, and as it was an online retailer, nearly all fraud involved a cyber element. I was keen to develop my skills in this area.
My educational background is...
After dropping out of college, I applied myself to work. Being super ambitious, I was able to get into management from an early age (17). Along the way, I picked up so many skills, managing teams in finance and fraud that I have been able to transfer into my current role. I have completed a BootCamp in Cyber Security to enhance my skills in this industry, which helped me career change from fraud to cyber
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
The opportunities are endless. Even if you don't know which specific tech role you want to do, start somewhere and your skills can always be developed along the way into roles you may not have existed when you start your journey. Build up you and your skills.