Nikki Harrison
Talent Acquisition Business Partner
Information Commissioner's Office
I’m responsible for identifying current and future talent for the ICO. On of my big projects involves attracting more women into tech, and ensuring our teams at the ICO are diverse and inclusive.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Headhunting and proactive sourcing
Relationship building
Project management
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I've loved being part of a project team whose objective is to attract more women into tech at the ICO. It's great to be part of something that adds real diversity value to the organisation.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I'm fascinated by tech advancements and it plays a big part of the work we do at the ICO. It's fast paced, ever changing and shows no sign of slowing down!
My educational background is...
I studied A Levels and then went into marketing after leaving school. I fell into recruitment by accident a few years later, and completed CIPD Level 5.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Believe in yourself and what you can achieve. This is a thriving and ever evolving industry with lots of opportunities in both technical and non-technical roles. Look for an organisation with values that resonate with you and don't let anyone hold you back!