Nichola Diment


Delivery Manager


Naimuri a QinetiQ company

Delivery Manager in a Data Intelligence Environment and also a Team Manager for our Data Intelligence Centre of Excellence.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Planning - of projects from commercials to resourcing

People Management - ensuring all my teams are happy, growing in their own personal development and general admin

Effective Communication - To both internal and external parties. Public speaking and collaborating with Naimuri and QinetiQ for better ways of working, running agile ceremonies

Agile and Lean practices - knowing how agile works best in a software engineering environment, communicating these practices to our customers.

General Customer Knowledge - as a Military Intelligence Veteran and ex civil service, I use these experiences as a subject matter experience in various customer environments.

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

In my entire career as a Military Intelligence Analyst my most memorable experience was training analysts whilst out on operational duty. It was a great test of my resilience and strength and a memory I will take with me forever.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I’m in awe of the backend work behind what you see as a user of the technology. Having broad knowledge for a number of customers, lends itself very well as a match made in heaven. I'm loving the challenge of contributing to keeping the UK safe in a different way.

My educational background is...

I started out as a photographer, went to uni - got the t.shirt. Had my heart broken & went into the military as an Intelligence Analyst, years of training including being an analyst instructor led me to the Civil Service & now Project Management after studying both agile and waterfall methods & getting the quals.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

If you're thinking about it, do it. I'm 39 & still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. Whatever you do, do it well. If something didn't work out by trying it, there are always steps you can take to change your life & how you live it.

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions

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