Meida Pociunaite
Javascript Developer
I am a Software developer with 4+ years experience in several different areas such as web development, user interfaces, Windows Form applications, cloud services with AWS and serverless, digital maps APIs, internationalisation and deployment automation with Chef. Also, a certified Scrum Master. One of the first projects I'm working on with Barclays is to create a prototype for a specific business case using React.

I am...
Good problem solver
The skills I use most in my job...
Problem solving
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
As a developer, I used to be a bit quiet and shy and it was definitely a big thing for me to actually get out of my comfort zone and not only to organize meetings, but also facilitate them, talk in front of the big group of people and constantly communicate with my team members. But I'm very proud I've managed to accomplish this challenge - I got certified and received some really great comments from my manager for all the improvements and personality growth.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I am very curious and I've always been interested in new technologies and how they work. Since childhood, I was a good problem solver and loved making things. My biggest inspiration was my IT teacher, who was a female. 10 years ago it was super uncommon, but her knowledge, passion, and determination really motivated me to take a career in technologies sector as well. And I have never ever regretted it.
My educational background is...
I've graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Computer Science-Artificial Intelligence. During my time as a student, I was involved with Robogals society, which aims to get more young girls interested in STEM subjects by teaching them to build and program LEGO robots. Also, I have been the Communications officer of the university women’s football club, thus I created the new club website and ensured that it was up-to-date. And moreover, I have become a Computer Science Student Ambassador and I shared my interest and passion for Computer Science with secondary school pupils during the Open Days. After the university, I was working as a Software developer for a 3D laser scanning company and also performed day-to-day duties as a Scrum Master for another team in the office for more than 4 years. Decided to join Barclays just at the end of last year, so that I keep continuing challenging myself, learning and growing.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
The main thing I would say is to never give up your dreams/interests/passions for societies common set of standards no matter what gender you are. If something interests you and you put some efforts towards it - you can learn ANYTHING and be ANYONE you want to be. Challenges just make you stronger.