Lucy Butt


Geospatial Analyst



I am a Geospatial Analyst! Day to day, I work with spatial data. This is simply any data with postcodes or coordinates attached– think google maps, strava, etc– all these use spatial data. For my job, I use this data to inform infrastructure developments such as railways and airports.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

1. Communication – Talking to different stakeholders on projects about how to use spatial data.

2. Problem-Solving – Day-to-day we are constantly solving problems on projects to help our clients. Being creative and quick at responding to problems is crucial!

3. Teamwork – The majority of our work takes place while working in teams, so it’s essential you have great teamworking skills to be able to perform together effectively.

4. IT skills – Part of dealing with data includes conducting analysis on spatial datasets using specialist software, so great IT skills are needed.

5. Quantitative skills – Some of the work involved can be quite technical and can even involve some basic coding, so having good quantitative skills is important.

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

The most interesting thing I have worked on so far is helping to build a carbon sequestration pipeline using spatial data. This has been so rewarding as it will make a real difference, helping to reduce carbon emissions to tackle global warming.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I have always had a more technical and logical brain so the appeal towards data and technology was strong. I looked up to my dad, who was also in a digital career (IT Technician) and aspired to go into something similar.

My educational background is...

Geography had always been my favourite subject in school, so following this I went on to study Physical Geography at Durham University. Here, my eyes were opened to the world of spatial data! After completing my degree, I found a graduate scheme as a geospatial analyst.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Don’t think, just give it a go! A career in digital and tech related areas are very rewarding, especially when you work on projects which make a real difference. If you are considering a career opportunity in this sector, definitely take the leap!

Job type tags:

Analysis Business and strategy Data and information Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions

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