Lubna Saada


Front-end Developer


Auto Trader

I work in a cross-functional team to create beautiful and functional user experiences and websites. My role as a front-end developer is the meeting of code and design so working closely with designers I try to bring their vision to life in the browser. I also work very closely with back-end developers to make sure all the data displayed on a page is accurate and ties together so the users' journey through a website is easy and smooth.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Problem solving



Coding / Programming

Team work

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

In the past few years at Auto Trader, I have worked on various parts of the search journey from the search form to the results page and full-page advert. This has given me a deep understanding of a users' search journey and also allowed me to work on some of the most visited pages of the Auto Trader website. It's very exciting and rewarding working on the core part of a website that gets millions of visits!

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I was inspired when I discovered a website that offered graphics and code snippets to customise MySpace profiles. I wasn't really a fan of the networking site itself but the really creative websites that offered resources for customisation really inspired me into creating resources of my own. I started by creating graphics but soon discovered web development which is when I got really hooked and I've been coding ever since!

My educational background is...

I discovered web design and development while I was still in high school so a lot of my foundation knowledge was self-taught. After finishing school I went on to college where I completed a BTEC National Diploma in Multimedia and then graduated from UCLAN with a BSc Web and Multimedia degree.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Everything is becoming digital and that means that there are so many different opportunities, there is something to suit everyone! Digital isn't only about coding or designing, it's a way of thinking. So even if you don't enjoy the things that are classed as stereotypically digital that doesn't mean you can't still find something you like within this huge industry.

Job type tags:

Creative and design Development Problem-solving and developing solutions

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