Louisa Wright


Business Analyst



My role is to be the bridge the gap between stakeholders and technology and work together to deliver a shared goal. I love to delve into why something is needed to make sure the full opportunity is understood. This ensures the solution is the right one. My focus is the customer experience. I work collaboratively with development teams to get the best possible outcome for everyone involved. I really enjoy seeing the value great change can bring.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...





Sense of Humour

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I joined a Fintech after working 20 years in a Bank. It was a huge leap for me in a completely different environment. I worked with a small, really close team there. It was fast paced and at times, more than a little crazy. I learned so much about myself, new technologies and different ways of working. As a Business Analyst, it gave me so much opportunity to call on my more traditional experience and develop and apply agile ways of working. A total rollercoaster ride!

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I love solving problems and I need something that keeps me interested and challenges me. The capability and possibilities of technology really blows my mind. My role as BA in the industry is my small way of contributing to some amazing change that offers real benefit. The people Ive had the pleasure of working with are really diverse, brilliant to work with and incredibly supportive.

My educational background is...

I completed GCSEs and A-levels with no career in mind, I knew that university wasn't for me. I started in a Bank call centre to save enough money to travel. I really enjoyed the development opportunities along with the diverse departments. I was fortunate to work for a company that offered me progression that played to my strengths, which is when I joined IT & Change. My passion has always been people and whist Im not at all technical, this hasn't held me back. The role of BA offers me the perfect blend of what I enjoy, with so many transferrable skills and opportunities to keep learning and developing.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

DO IT! If I can anyone can! There really is an opportunity for everyone to add value. You just need the right attitude!

Job type tags:

Analysis Business and strategy Problem-solving and developing solutions

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