Liv Birks
Customer Success Engineer
My role involves providing expertise on the SafetyCulture API and other technical matters to our Customers, and my colleagues. By consulting and providing bespoke technical solutions involving API and Integrations, this ensures our customers are set up for success.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Power BI
Single Sign-On (SSO)
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
The nature of our product is so valuable to businesses, every project has an interesting use-case behind it. Using Tech to solve problems can be really satisfying when done right! Knowing that your work is making a difference no matter how big or small is always a nice feeling.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I got half way through my degree and did a coding course with Code First Girls, this was definitely a game changer for me, and I was immediately hooked. This made me want to pursue a career in Tech.
My educational background is...
I have a BSc in Chemistry, and A Levels in Maths, Chemistry and Physics.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
It's never too late to give something a try, and as long as you put the time and work into it anything is possible. Something you've done today, you might have not been able to do yesterday. Practice does make perfect!