Lauren Borodajko
Graduate QA
Money Super Market
I check that the quality of our app and the contents in the app are up to the high standard our users expect. When a story is passed into QA, it is my job to make sure that what the developers have created matches what the designers intended. I do this by talking to everyone in the team and making sure that I understand what people are saying.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Organisational skills
Coding skills & Logic
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I have recently joined as a graduate and therefore do not have much experience but the graduate scheme so far has been amazing and has been showing me different parts of the organisation. I have been able to sign up to do different events like the Ada Lovelace day at MOSI and I find everything that I am experiencing currently is interesting and exciting to me.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
My love for tech, especially how it can make people's lives easier. As I am dyslexic I am always looking for new ways to aid my disability. I choose to work in the tech industry so that I can help move things like that forward and help other people.
My educational background is...
I studied General Engineering at Durham University.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
The tech industry is incredibly flexible and it will allow me to have a successful career and a family, so I do not have to choose between the two. I love the agile way of working, as I feel that I am a valued part of the MSMG team and I always look forward to coming to work, where as other industry's that I have worked, have not given me that same feeling.
Job type tags:
Analysis Data and information Development Problem-solving and developing solutions