Laura Lightfoot


Junior Marketing Manager



I work in the marketing team at Apadmi. Here I'm responsible for various elements of our marketing mix, including social media, PR and communications, copywriting and content creation, website development, events and partnership marketing. I work closely with our sales team to establish campaigns to drive lead generation and reach our ambitious growth objectives.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Collaboration with various stakeholders, partners and clients across the business

Clear communication

Decision making and risk management within campaigns and marketing opportunities

My growth focused mindset allows me to make the most of new opportunities with the greater good of the brand in mind

Confidence -because we all need it!

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I've worked at Apadmi from the start of their expansive growth plans. When I joined we had just 50 staff members and now we're touching 200 - during this period, I've had opportunities to be exposed to various departments within the business. This has included providing extra resource for client projects, to organising their 10th birthday celebration party. They say variety is the spice of life, and it's true, this is what makes my role so unique.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

We have a phrase that's thrown around at Apadmi: 'The only constant is change' and if that doesn't reflect the immersive nature of the digital and tech landscape I don't know what does. It never stops changing, it's fascinating. It's also super inclusive, the people are great and it's really opened my mind to lots of new ideas since working here.

My educational background is...

I came out of sixth form with decent A-levels and took the route of a Foundation Degree at MMU, here I specialised in Graphic Design. I was set to go on to do a full 3 year BA Arts Degree, but decided against this and took the route of an apprenticeship with The Juice Academy and Apadmi. I was awarded my CIM, passed my coding exams and haven't looked back since.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Don't let anything discourage you. Your gender, personality or interests (amongst many other factors) should never determine your chosen career path - it should be up to you. Take the leap, take on new challenges and ensure that at the end of every day you've done something to make you smile or learn a new skill. I might be biased, but the tech, digital and creative scene is the perfect landscape for that!

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Creative and design Data and information Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions

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