Kate Libby
Marketplace Consultant
It's my job to retain and grow our client accounts by making sure our customers are happy and always keeping my eyes open for exciting new opportunities.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Relationship management
Project management
Being super organised (!)
Great communication
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
In my last job, I worked with the NHS and councils to create commissioning software for everything from buses to healthcare. As part of this, we used our technology to get people in need hospital placements or carers quicker and more cost effectively, that was a lovely thing to achieve.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I wanted to be part of an exciting, innovative industry and work on brand new products as I love being part of something new. I also love to learn, and wanted continuous professional development - the pace of change in tech is so fast I get to do something new everyday.
My educational background is...
I took A levels in English Literature, Geography and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, then went on to study Geography at King's College London. These days I regularly attend meet-ups for my sector, read lots of relevant books, and I've just completed an online course in Agile Project Management.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Go for it! The tech industry is hugely diverse, it’s not just for software developers. Tech is also at the forefront of great working culture - we have bean bags, flexible hours and free snacks - so not only is the work rewarding but the environment is fantastic too.