Karen Wickham
DIFFUSE Account Manager – Data and Digital and DIFFUSE Account Management Lead for MCF3
BAE Systems Applied Intelligence
As an account managers I oversee an area of interest within our client organisations. I work in partnership with these client to understand their needs of today and aspirations for the future and consider how my organisation and delivery teams can best support them to achieve these requirements.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Stakeholder Partnership Management - Working with Client and Internal Colleagues
Finance Management - Ensuring our proposals to the client and financially viable for both parties (win - win)
Bid Writing - Writing bids in response to client requirements
Engagement - I cant do it all by myself, I need to engage with many different people to make proposals a reality
Planning - Ensuring we know what we need for tomorrow in terms of investment, resources, products. This informs the wider enabling teams
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I can't pick one, I think you have to enjoy your job (we spend a long time at work). I have had many varied jobs from being a clown at childrens parties, a waitress, a PA, Bar Manager, Project Manager, Risk Manager (yes I love risk management!!) and Account Management. Each and every one has been interesting for different reasons, each has taught me something and from each I have gained and built on my skills.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
Wow, that is a hard one, I won't lie I sort of fell into it. I have never planned my career and just taken the paths offered to me. After being made redundant my role in a digital and tech company came up, it was a role I aspired to do and looked really interesting.
My educational background is...
I gained 1 A and 8Cs at GCSE (I struggled in school and with exams). I did a GNVQ in Business Studies (a little more me, less exams). Then I decided Uni wasn't for me and decided to learn on the job and achieve vocational qualifications. I wouldn't change this at all, the only things I would do slightly differently is travelled when I was younger, I think you can learn a lot of life and people skills from travelling.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Go for it, put on your Big Girl and give it a go! If it make your heart sing then defiantly go for it. If you are unsure then go for it and course correct at a later date if you need to, there are lots of options and even more opportunities! Nothing ventured nothing gained, every day is a learning day so you will always gain new skills. Enjoy exploring and just do your best.
Job type tags:
Analysis Business and strategy Creative and design People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions