Joana Ferreira


Digital Marketing Consultant, Trainer & Lecturer


I run JVF Marketing, and also work part time as a lecturer at MMU

I set up JVF Marketing in early 2018 and I work with all kinds of businesses, helping them understand what they should be doing online to achieve their objectives. This could be anything from helping them totally re-vamp their website, writing content for them, helping them with social media, learning how to get PR coverage on other websites, launching a successful blog, and so much more!

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...




social media

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

lecturing at MMU is definitely an exciting aspect of my job. I have also had the pleasure of working with businesses who were completely resistant to the 'online world' and are now completely immersed in it after realising the potential, and understanding that it's not as overwhelming as they first thought

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I fell in love with digital during my Msc at MMU. We only had one module in digital and it was very basic at the time (2011) but it gave me a glimpse into this interesting world. I then got my first job in digital in 2012 and rose to the top of the agency within 5 years. I now run my own business and am learning every day. The greatest thing about digital is that it never gets boring!

My educational background is...

I have a Msc in Marketing Communications from MMU. I also took a professional course at Salford University in Search and Social Media Marketing

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

It never gets boring! But you have to be committed to continuous learning. Don't get comfortable and set in your ways, be fearless and ready to innovate and try something different. It's a very exciting world and we are discovering new techniques every day.

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