Jennifer Hoey
Lead Software Engineer
BAE Systems Digital Intelligence
As a Lead Software Engineer it is my job to bring together a team of developers to come up with software solutions to customers' problems. Typical this will involve engaging with the customer or their representative to work out what a detailed solution might look like, and priorities which features would be the most beneficial. From here myself and the team of developers will collaboratively develop these features and release the code for use by our customer.

I am...
Likes to know how things work
Love to learn new things
Motivated by laziness
The skills I use most in my job...
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Service Oriented Archicture
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
Leading a team to replace a COTS solution to transfer sensitive product information from over sees partners into our manufacturing system. This involved Data transfer using Web Services, Topological sorting algorithms for structure dependency analysis and making API call to accurately replicate received data into the target system
What inspired me into digital and tech...
The first time I used a computer I was wanted to know how a typed instruction resulted in a line on a screen (mid 90s). When I got my first computer I would create graphic animations, finally when the Internet arrived I started building websites when I should have been learning German. I knew that IT was going to be my career from the start, and software development seemed to be the best bit about it.
My educational background is...
Worked in IT departments for manufacturing companies after leaving School Worked with Computer hardware, repair and maintenance while at University Studied Computer Science with Software Engineering at Glasgow Caledonian University Started work as a Software Developer at BAE after leaving university.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Ada Lovelace was the first to see that computers were not just for doing hard maths, it is a creative process, and can be used to benefit everyone. The virtual space is your canvas, and logic is you paint brush.
Job type tags:
Analysis Creative and design Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions Testing and QA