Jenna Gregory
Customer Experience & Insight Specialist
Auto Trader
At Auto Trader I lead our retailer webinar strategy which we’ve been running for over 2 years. We deliver a range of live and on demand webinars for retailers that share industry leading insights, data and expert advice to dealers to help them sell more cars, more quickly. I’m also working in multiple projects to provide help and support content to new and existing retailers, giving them the best possible start on Auto Trader and making sure they’re engaged with our products and us as a brand.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Marketing our webinars using a range of channels
Communication - internally and externally
Project Management
Collaborating with multiple teams across the business
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
I’d have to say our webinar program throughout the recent coronavirus pandemic. During lockdown, we made a commitment to thousands of retailers that we’d run weekly webinars to keep them updated and share advice throughout which included organising and delivering a 90 minute weekly webinar with a range of industry experts.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I’ve always had an interest in digital and tech from a young age and then I did my degree in Information and Communication Technology which intrigued me even more. I like working in digital and tech because it’s a very forward-thinking industry which is leading the way in changing the way we live our lives using technology.
My educational background is...
I studied BSc Information and Communication Technology at University of Huddersfield which was a 4 year sandwich course, meaning I would get a 12 month work experience as part of the degree. This was a very varied course which included project management, web development, digital marketing and multiple team projects.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Some people see digital and tech as a male dominated industry but it is starting to change. The range of career opportunities within digital and tech are endless and you’ll be surrounded by people who you can learn so much from. It is a fast paced industry to work in but that’s what makes it fun, you’re faced with new challenges all the time.
Job type tags:
Analysis Creative and design People / team management Social media and marketing