Helen Rapp


Content Designer


AND Digital

I'm a Content Designer at AND Digital. I work with clients to make sure that content across websites, apps and digital products is easy to find, easy to understand and is right for their customers' or end users' needs.

I am...
Always learning
The skills I use most in my job...

Understanding customers



Being part of an Agile team

Working with clients

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I used to work for a global brand. I worked with a team to create versions of the brand website that could be rolled out around the world. I got to learn about consumers in lots of markets and I even went to Indonesia and Australia to run digital training.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

My first job out of university was at a book publisher. I thought it was my dream job but I didn’t like how slow the book publishing process was. When I moved into digital, I loved how quickly I could make things happen, and how I could see results straightaway.

My educational background is...

I studied English at the University of Salford and a few years later my employer sponsored me to do a CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing. Working in digital, it’s really important to have a continuous learning mindset - I do some work-related reading or join an online talk most weeks.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Digital’s a brilliant industry if you want to be able to see the results of your work quickly. I love that you can set something up in the morning and potentially start seeing results the same day. And if something doesn’t work, you can change it really quickly too!

Job type tags:

Analysis Business and strategy Creative and design Data and information People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions Testing and QA

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