Danielle Smith
Head of IT Operations
Auden Group Ltd
I lead the IT support function for Auden looking after all this Service Delivery and internal IT. I lead technical teams as well as service and management teams to allow them to do what they do best in a challenging and fulfilling environment.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
communication and negotiation
stakeholder management
incident management
people management
cost control measures
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
Ive worked on some amazing projects during my career a highlight for me was working as part of a team developing a market leading platform that nobody had built before to package UK breaks for hotels, train, theatre and attraction tickets. The teams were mature and hard working and we delivered against some almost impossible milestones to succeed and had great fun doing it.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I really didnt know what I wanted to do once I decided not to take my degree. I started data input for a large company who supported the NHS and fell in love with the teams and working environment. When my role was moved I didnt want to leave so I asked the director if there was another role I could take - I started the IT service desk for the NHS and really loved using my skills to help people and to make a real difference. I was hooked on service from there really.
My educational background is...
I studied IT at school and enjoyed it immensely however I didnt continue it to A level or above. I actually did Psychology at college and was accepted into 5 universities for my degree when I decided not to take that direction and start somewhere from the bottom up. I started in data input with 11 GCSE's and havent looked back.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Dont listen to your head too much, it can sometimes make you think you cant do it. If its in your gut as an interest and you want to go for it then jump in. Most starting roles are entry level and you can play around with what you enjoy, make sideways moves and see where the path takes you. Overthinking rarely leads to success if you want to do it then dont think - start.
Job type tags:
Analysis Business and strategy People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions