Claudia Lewis


User Experience Designer


Stockport Council

I design user experiences – this means that I design products and websites with the people using them in mind. I look at a user’s journey from start to finish, and design the product in a way that offers them their most simple and seamless journey. I also make sure that accessibility is embedded into the journey from the start, this involves making sure the things I design also work seamlessly for those with a range of hearing, movement, sight, and cognitive abilities.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...



User testing

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

I’d have to say Signposts, it’s a system that brings together people’s data from different sources and presents it in a timeline view. The tool was built primarily for social workers to help them gain insights into people’s lives, it helps them build up a picture of a family and spot problem areas.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

Most of my family work in creative jobs so I always knew I wanted to do something along those lines. I probably became most inspired at university, where there was a great mix of female and male leaders giving me the motivation to be whatever I wanted to be!

My educational background is...

I studied media, art and photography at college and then did a degree in Advertising Design. It was at university that I discovered a love for content design and copy-writing which then led me to a career in User Experience Design.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Do it! And love it! There’s nothing to stop you, and if you’re feeling uninspired then read up on inspirational women like Ada Lovelace (who my daughter is named after!) if she could do it back then, then you can definitely do it now. We’re lucky to be in an environment where there’s so much support and loads of great groups and meet ups for women in tech.

Job type tags:

Creative and design

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