Chloe-Jace Morgan


Analytics Executive


On the Beach

I measure the quality and performance of iOS & Android Apps. I help to optimise the Apps by creating tracking solutions that capture the behaviour of our users. I then analyse this data, alongside the ratings users provide, to help our Developers create a better user experience.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...


Data visualisation and Report automation

A/B testing

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

Every day is interesting and exciting when you work in Analytics. There is always a new challenge to overcome and a new Excel formula to learn that will help to solve the problem of the day. Things are even more exciting when you can automate your work.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I have always been interested in measuring how people interact with objects / digital products throughout my educational life and early jobs, so a career in tech came quite naturally. When I discovered Analytics was a role I could do full time, I knew this was the career for me.

My educational background is...

At University I studied Fashion Design, specialising in Nanotechnology for Sportswear. After university I began working in a Marketing role where I developed the brand’s online platforms by analysing website behavioural and telephone sales data to guide improvements. At this point, I didn’t know roles in Analytics existed!

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Being at the forefront of research, development and discovery means you’re involved in very exciting and important projects with far-reaching opportunities to increase your skill set.

Job type tags:

Data and information

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