Cherrelle Bird
Co-Founder/ Director
EdFinders Ltd
I am a co-founder of EdFinders Ltd and I help teachers provide unique learning experiences for their pupils. EdFinders is a marketplace that connects teachers and educational workshop companies, saving teachers time and prodiving inspiration to bring the curriculum to life.

I am...
Self motivtated
The skills I use most in my job...
Innovation - Provide innovative ways teachers can source, communicate and book with workshop providers.
Leadership - Lead my team to ensure the vision is aligned with our mission and values.
Business Analytics - Using real user/client experiences to make key decisions for next phase of devleopment in order to reach user needs.
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
Bringing an idea of mine to life and working with workshop providers, teachers and pupils across the Uk to deliver lightbulb moments.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
I experienced the problem EdFidners sovles through running a private day nursery, once speaking to other education organisations and finding they experienced the same problem inspired me to peruse building a tech company to connect educators and workshop providers across the UK to give all fantastic learning opportunities.
My educational background is...
I took over my families private day nursery as a single parent at the age of 22, I then went onto to study Bsc Business management with law at The University of Salford where I developed my idea of EdFinders and pitched for SEIS investment.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
The tech industry is thriving and there are so many opportunities for girls like to make a real difference to the industry and your own personal development, with role models, mentors and support to help you along the way. Believe in yourself.
Job type tags:
Analysis Business and strategy Creative and design Data and information Development People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions Social media and marketing