Charlène C. Ambe
Insurance Claim handler
I process insurance claims for customers that had to pay for car damages to car rental companies . I get their supporting documents, check conformity with insurance policy and refund them. I also lead a employees representative group for the Black community.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Analysis : when I receive a claim I have to review all documents and check the conformity with the policy before issuing a refund
Organisational and Time management: I work on different projects on a very limited time (I work part time)
Event planning: I organise events for the Booking.com Black Employees committee and allies meant to gather people and make connections
Problem solving: I lead a platform where employees give their feedback about improvements to make in our departments, and translate it to actions for managers
Public speaking: I represent a committee, advocate for responsible tourism in black countries and organise workshops about it
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
As a former humanitarian worker, I had to work on setting up a refugee camp from scratch in Bangladesh. Coordinating activities of 20 organisations was challenging, but the most interesting part was setting up a women group and empowering them in a Muslim context.
What inspired me into digital and tech...
When I ended my humanitarian career, I was very interested in the travel industry. I start my own business as a specialist in Responsible Tourism in Haiti, as working for a company like Booking.com . We live in a digital world and I wanted to learn from the best.
My educational background is...
I studied Political Sciences, International Relations and Development program management. This background gave me the opportunity to grow problem solving skills but also critical thinking and organisational skills.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
We live in a digital world, so if we want to find some kind of representation in what companies offers or display on our screens, we need to consider a career in digital and tech. Having a seat at the table is crucial to shape business decisions.
Job type tags:
Analysis Development Problem-solving and developing solutions