Carly Unsworth


Customer and Product Marketing Manager


Thrive Learning

Working with our product and engineering teams to understand their areas of focus, translating that into compelling marketing messaging and plans. Launching new software features, services, and products. Working closely with customers to conduct research, offer marketing consultancy, case studies, award submissions, and other projects aligned to their goals

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Stakeholder management

Design and marketing briefs

Project planning and management

Copywriting and messaging

Marketing consultancy

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

In my current role I am the first product marketer in a start up which is scaling and growing quickly. The most interesting element is the Innovation Panel - a user testing group including companies such as British Airways, McLaren, ASOS, Nandos and so many more!

What inspired me into digital and tech...

It's been an evolution as when I started my marketing career 15 years ago social media and digital marketing was in its infancy. Product Marketing wasn't a role that existed so my skillset has moved and changed as the industry and the way we consume our marketing has changed.

My educational background is...

I studied a four year degree in Business and Marketing where I acheived a first class grade and completed a 12 month work experience placement working for the NHS in a comms team. This first ignited my interest in comms and PR. I've completed the Level 6 CIM professional diploma.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

It's so varied, there are so many different roles and elements of a career in digital and tech. No matter how you best work or where your interests lie, there is a role that will suit you. Find what you love to do and find a career to match!

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Creative and design

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