Beverley McGowan




The Specialists Hub (CyberPRO)

I am the founder and CEO of The Specialists Hub (also trading as CyberPRO), providing training, consultancy and cybersecurity penetration testing services to businesses internationally. Previously Head of Data Governance, Group Information Security Officer, Head of EMEA IT Projects, IT Governance Manager, IT Risk Manager in Financial Services Sector 23 Years.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Project Management

Stakeholder Management

Risk Assessment

Strategic Planning


The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

As Head of Data Governance, Group Information Security Officer and GDPR lead for a Life & Pensions Group, I worked to implement Data Governance Capability across the Group and led a significant programme of work across the Group implementing system changes, cultural change and changes to processes and controls across 6 sites and 5000 staff.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

Being tech savvy as a teenager, I was the 'go to' person for technical issues in my job. I was approached by my employer to set up their first IT Helpdesk. I always loved problem solving and helping people which is perfect for technical support. And patience! Lots!

My educational background is...

Apprenticeship – NVQ Business and GNVQ Business and Finance '96 Technical Support Qualifications attained whilst working and learning on the job in IT '97-'02. BSc(Hons) Business and HR (Part time mature student) 2009 Start MSc Digital and Technology Solutions (Degree Apprenticeship) in September 2020. I have also completed a number of self-study qualifications over the last 20 years.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Tech is so fast moving and interesting and there is a role for everyone be it technical or non-technical. It's an area of significant growth and investment and therefore a great career choice. Cybersecurity in particular where only 15% of the workforce are female.

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Cybersecurity Data and information People / team management

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