Becky Grice


Data Science Apprentice


AutoTrader UK

I'm a degree apprentice, meaning I study a Data Science degree alongside working. I work with data so that we can understand how customers come to our website, what they do there and what kinds of cars they're looking at and buying.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...


Data visualisation

Data modelling


Time management

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

Helping out on a large project which will be really useful in the future.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I used be a lab scientists but never quite felt fulfilled. When I examined what I liked and didn't like about the jobs I'd had, I realised that the data parts of my job were the best bits. I asked some people who worked in tech what their jobs were like and did some research online, and it all sounded brilliant. So I took a leap and started all over again. It's been the best thing I've ever done.

My educational background is...

My journey is a bit of winding road! I did a degree in Biomedical Science, then a masters in Translational Medicine. I worked in various labs for a few years before I finally realised that the bit I enjoyed most about science was the data. Currently I'm studying as an apprentice for my Data Science degree.

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

Tech is a really exciting and ever-evolving industry. It's great for solving problems and thinking analytically. There's many paths to reach your goal, so don't worry if it winds and wonders. Enjoy the journey, and you'll pick up so many skills and experience along the way!

Job type tags:

Analysis Data and information Development Problem-solving and developing solutions Testing and QA

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