Becky Colley
Lead Product Designer (UX)
Bupa UK
I lead a team of empathetic and talented UX Designers who care about using technology to make the world a better place.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...
Stakeholder management
The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...
While at Cancer Research UK, I worked with our Stand Up To Cancer team to design the online journey for Channel 4's Great British Bake Off celebrity specials. It was challenging to design for people who were familiar with Stand Up, people who were familiar with GBBO, and people who were new to both, but so rewarding to see its success!
What inspired me into digital and tech...
This is a sector in which there's always something to learn. It never stays still and keeps you on your toes. I also firmly believe we can all make a difference in the world, no matter how small it may seem, and technology allows me to make my contribution.
My educational background is...
I studied Media Production and Technology at university and initially worked in post-production. After a few false starts, I found my calling in user experience design and now have a certificate from University Of The Arts London and am a certified Scrum Master. But I've mostly learned on the job from amazing mentors.
What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...
Don't doubt yourself. Make connections (as an introvert I find Twitter particularly helpful, and there's a huge and supportive online community). Don't take critique personally, it helps you to learn and grow.
Job type tags:
Business and strategy Creative and design People / team management Problem-solving and developing solutions