Andrea Brewer


Account Director


Dell Technologies

I am responsible for the public sector strategy for the North West and North Wales which is a 15m business on behalf of Dell Technologies. My role includes orchestrating a virtual team across all of Dell Technologies seven business units. I am part of the Dell Technologies mental health team and was a guest speaker at their recent launch as teach Kadampa Modern Buddhism meditation to help people develop inner peace which makes them calm and more able to respond to life's challenges.

I am...
The skills I use most in my job...

Strategy planning

Negotiation and emotional intelligence

The most interesting thing I've worked on in my career so far...

Speaking at public events for emotional wellbeing. I am a Kadampa Modern Buddhism practitioner and teacher. I teach children and adults to meditation. I have been on the high achievers programme and was offered a chance to complete an MBA at Cranfield University. I was involved in a massive project across the UK to ensure all children had access to a computer and connectivity. I set up my own consulting business and ran a software company at the same time.

What inspired me into digital and tech...

I fell into it but in the end love the way software solves problems and helps human performance

My educational background is...

I worked my way up leaving school at 17

What advice I'd give to girls thinking about a career in digital and tech...

I would look at why you want to get into this, think about what you care about and how you see technology meeting your values as this will make you happy if these align

Job type tags:

Business and strategy Data and information

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