EnableHER: Leaning into Leadership Programme – in partnership with 6point6 | Part of Accenture

Manchester Digital’s Digital Her programme is delighted to announce the launch of our new EnableHER: Leaning into Leadership Programme and its sponsor, 6point6 | Part of Accenture.

Digital Her’s mission is about inspiring girls to strive and supporting women to thrive.

So far we’ve reached nearly 7,000 girls and women in the region, and built a 400 strong Digital Her Real Role Model Community.

Today, we’ve thinking about an ethical and sustainable future for our sector – and inevitably this has led our talks and discussions to consider diversity and inclusion, and who is making decisions.

  • Only 29% of the UK tech workforce are women or non-binary
  • Only 21% of senior tech roles in the UK are held by women
  • Only 5% of leadership roles in the tech sector are held by women

Research shows that companies with women in leadership perform 10 times better than those with fewer females at the organisation’s helm.

These stats must change. So…

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our EnableHER: Leaning into Leadership Programme – Part of Digital Her.

And with the commitment of our new sponsor for this programme, 6point6 | Part of Accenture, we’ll enable fully funded training opportunities for women across Greater Manchester who are in emerging and mid-level leadership roles to really thrive as leaders in tech, not just survive.

By empowering women leaders, we create a more inclusive, equitable and dynamic industry that drives groundbreaking advancements and equitable opportunities for all.

A huge thanks to 6point6 | Part of Accenture, for joining the mission. We’re looking forward to working with the team to support the wider community.

If you’d like to register your interest in taking part, you can do that here. The programme will commence in the Autumn.

If she can see it, she can be it

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